"Reading gives your child the power to be whoever they want"
Our Fun & interactive curriculum
Our age appropriate phonics curriculum features interactive lessons and captivating activities, providing ample opportunities for children to practice and enhance their phonics skills in an engaging manner. This innovative adaptation of our phonics curriculum brings the best phonics learning experience to you at your doorstep.
English Courses
30 classes
1:1 session
1:4 session
- All 26 alphabet letter recognition & sounds
- Blending of 2 letter words
- Introduction to CVC words
- Few simple sight words
48 classes
1:1 session
1:4 session
- All 26 alphabet letter sounds
- Blending of 2 letter words
- Begining, ending and middle sound concept
- Introduction to CVC words
- Consonant blends
- Few sight words
- Introduction to 4 letter words
- Reading of sentences
- Reading of simple story books
66 classes
1:1 session
1:4 session
- All 26 alphabet sounds
- Blending of 2 letter words
- CVC words
- Consonant blends
- Sight words
- Introduction to 4 letter words
- CK & QU rule
- Diagraphs
- Bossy R
- Long vowels
- Magic e
- Dipthongs
- Reading 5-6 letter words
- Reading simple stroy books
60 classes
1:1 session
1:4 session
- All 26 alphabet sounds
- CVC words
- Consonant blends
- Sight words
- CK rule
- QU rule
- Floss rule
- Diagraphs
- Bosyr R
- Short vowel sound concept
- Long vowel sounds
- Magic e
- Dipthongs
- Alternate sounds
- Reading 6-8 letter words
- Reading simple story books
30 classes
1:1 session
1:4 session
- All 26 alphabet sounds
- CK rule
- QU rule
- Floss rule
- Diagraphs
- Bossy R
- Short vowel sound concept
- Long vowel sounds
- Magic e
- Dipthongs
- Alternate sounds
- Soft c & hard c
- Soft g & hard g
- Reading 8-10 letter words
- Reading simple story books
Comprehensive English Grammar
48 classes
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Prepositions
- Pronouns
- Articles
- Determiners
- Antonyms
- Sentence expansion
- Sentence making
- Picture comprehension
- Reading & comprehension
- Vocabulary building
- Communication skills
Hindi Courses
- Recognition, reading and writing of ALL 36 Vyanjans and 13 Swars
- Reading simple sentences and short stories
- Reading and Writing of upto 2 to 3 letter words
- Hindi vocabulary building like names of Fruits, Vegetables, Animals etc
- Other important concepts like Numbers, opposites, days, months, colors and many more
- Recognition, reading and writing of ALL 36 Vyanjans and 13 Swars
- Recognition and reading of words with 1 Matra (आ)
- Reading simple sentences and short stories
- Reading and Writing of upto 4 letter words
- Focus on Pronunciation and spelling building
- Hindi vocabulary building like names of Fruits, Vegetables, Animals etc
- Other important concepts like Numbers, opposites, days, months, colors and many more
- Revision of ALL 36 Vyanjans and 13 Swars with reading and writing
- Recognition and reading of words with ALL 12 Matras
- Reading age appropriate sentences and stories
- Focus on Pronunciation and spelling building
- Reading and writing of upto 6 letter words
- Hindi vocabulary building like names of Fruits, Vegetables, Animals etc
- Other important concepts like Numbers, opposites, days, months, colors and many more